Jillian Semaan

Green America

As a political appointee in the Obama Administration Jillian served as Chief of Staff for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and as the Director of School and Community Garden Initiatives for several years. One of her roles was to create and implement government initiatives around sustainable agriculture that focused on childhood nutrition, food deserts and disadvantaged communities in urban America. Her work on establishing community gardens – in places such as the 9th Ward of New Orleans, LA and Ferguson, MO – included coordination with local communities, Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Initiative, the media, and corporate supporters. Jillian has extensive campaign experience in promoting sustainable agriculture nationwide and creating strategic partnerships. As Director of Food Campaigns at Green America she educates the public on the importance of regenerative, non GMO, organic foods and the need for all Americans to take action to take back our food supply for the protection of our health and planet
She is also an advocate for climate change solutions and is focusing on carbon farming and educating the public on carbon sequestration and the benefits.