Susan Cousineau

Integrated Research Lead

With a BSc (Honors) in ecology and MSc in evolutionary biology, Susan has pursued field research in Costa Rica, Amazonian Peru, the BC West Coast and Alberta Rockies, and Kenya, used bioinformatics and mathematical modelling to study infectious diseases, and studied permaculture, regenerative agriculture and runs her own business — all in a lifelong pursuit to tie together ecological restoration, global health, and food security. She grew up farming and has worked on a number of other farms (pastured pigs and poultry; organic fruit and berries); collaborating, teaching and installing edible landscapes; and in nature-based youth education. She blends a solid foundation of research science with practical farm-based applications of holistic management, carbon farm planning and experimental design. Overall she focuses on supporting initiatives towards a more climate-centric and biodiversity-friendly agriculture, in the context of a global ecology. Her work with Slow Food involves coordinating a dynamic, creative, community-oriented citizen science platform, bringing scientific research together with the global movement towards a slower, healthier, more integrative perspective on health.