Alma Rosa Garcés Medina

Biologist, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Alma is a biologist from the UNAM, a native of Mexico City, with experience in teaching and research. Since 1990, she has dedicated herself to working with the production of cacao in Tabasco, in southeastern Mexico. Her experience in the producer communities has allowed her to acquaint herself with the aspects of quality in cocoa and the processes of its artisan transformation, with which the Chocolate Maya brand was established. In 2001, she joined Slow Food with the Reactivation of the Cocoa Forestry System in Tabasco from which the production structure called the Cocoa Basin of Chontalpa was later derived. She also presented at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto in Turin, Italy in 2008. Alma is currently promoting a food education project, taken to cacao as the work axis.